
In conversation with Fynd Store users at Superdry Indiranagar

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Superdry Indiranagar has slowly and steadily moved up the ranks to become the top store on the Fynd Store app, amongst all Superdry stores pan-India. The Indiranagar team consistently added more than ₹3 Lac sales ever since the second lockdown. Initially, store sales were low, walk-ins were a challenge. Fynd Store Account Manager, Tushar Rathore, reached out to the store team to learn more about how they achieved this and their outbound sales approach.

Tushar: Noella, why don’t we start with you telling us more about your store.

Noella: We’re usually a typical ₹15 Lac store. We’d do much more during sales or whenever we have offers running at the store. Walk-ins were low, especially after the lockdown. But they are back in full force after the festive season.

Editor’s note: ₹15 lac per month is their monthly sales target

Tushar: Anjali, could you share how Fynd Store has helped you improve customer service?

Anjali: So, the regular use case for Fynd Store for us is when we are not able to find the right size or a fit that the customer demands. In such cases we check the Fynd Store app, select another fulfilling store, and order on behalf of our customer. It becomes easier for us and also keeps the customer satisfied.

Tushar: How about outbound sales? How has Fynd Store helped you with it?

Noella:What happened during the pandemic was walk-ins had drastically gone down. We had no choice but to bank on distance selling.

Anjali: Every day, we would get a database of our website’s customers with cancellations or returns due to a size/color or product issue. We would call these customers, and assure them that we’d get their desired product from a nearby store. We’d pitch these customers with Superdry’s digital catalog, made by Fynd (superdryds.fyndstore.co)

Tushar: And what was the impact?

Noella: These calls had a healthy 20-25% conversion rate. It helped us in giving personalized experience to our customers. We could build rapport with them and stay assured that they would keep coming back to our store.

Tushar: Tell us about the user adoption of Fynd Store by your store team. Was there any friction?

Anjali: So, initially yes, as earlier there was only a single login for the entire store team. But now we all have our own logins and have the app installed in our phones. We find this new employee-based system better. Noella: Another major contributor here is the incentives from Fynd team. They are very lucrative and help us to keep the morale high. We do not hesitate to place orders on Fynd Store because ultimately the store sale gets added to our PLIs. We’re excited about Fynd’s offer for stores on Black Friday. So now, our team is more willing to use Fynd.

Editor’s Tip: For successful adoption of an in-store solution, it is important to tie in those targets to the store’s normal workings. For example, assuring the store team that sales made from the Fynd Store app would also count towards the ₹15 lac monthly target achievements.

Tushar: Well, that’s nice to know! Would you like to share something about the kind of support you get from the Fynd Store Team?

Anjali: Of course! Fynd team has been a huge help. Siddharth, our Customer Success Manager has always handled every escalation in a timely manner. Sometimes the product is not reflecting on the app, sometimes same-day delivery or urgent deliveries & random requests becomes difficult. But Siddharth always makes sure we get a fast response and helps us with our concerns.

Tushar: Happy to hear that! Would love to keep serving you in the same way in future...Speaking of which could you finally share, where do you see your team going from here?

Noella: With our experience we have learnt that Fynd is a great product to increase our store sales. To ensure omnichannel is a success, it has to be a people-driven approach. We’ve enjoyed learning and growing with the Fynd team. Personalized, real-time digital catalogs & same-day deliveries from Fynd is the next thing we’re eyeing. At times we might be skeptical about using Fynd. But ever since we’ve realized the potential of Fynd, there’s no looking back.

Tushar: Well, that’s a wrap! Thank you for supporting us. Fynd Team looks forward to more such great months with you store. Hope you enjoy the benefits of the Fynd Black Friday offer, designed especially for the store teams. Thank you and have a good day!

Note from the editor:

We at Fynd always strive to give a personalized approach to all our partner stores. That’s why we specifically have Siddharth as a single point of contact for all Superdry stores. Fynd’s digital catalogs with collection sharing, same-day deliveries, cart sharing & seamless return process ensure store teams to give a personalized approach to their customers.

For your store’s success,
Team Fynd

In conversation with Fynd Store users at Superdry Indiranagar
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