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Fynd Store-More than an Endless Aisle Solution

7 min read
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Omnichannel has emerged as the top arsenal in every brand’s ammunition. Discussions in the retail world are now fixated on the lack of store walk-ins and its impact on the industry. And every retailer today is cautiously working on their brand’s visibility and exploring opportunities to empower customers with various touchpoints.

The questions in the minds of the biggest retail brands are:

  1. How do we reach out to our customers?
  2. How do we give them them a platform to view our products?
  3. How do we ensure that the quality of online experience is comparable, or even better than the in-store experience the customers are used to?

Well, these are the few questions we asked ourselves before coming up with a solution that is much more than the usual endless aisle solution you might be familiar with.

Fynd Store activates an in-store shopping experience for your customers, right within the comfort of their homes. And then it goes a step further!

Consider this:

You reopen your stores by strictly adhering to the best safety standards and maintaining the topmost level of hygiene. But what if the customer still does not feel confident enough to visit your store?!

Not the expected outcome, right?

The relentless switch of demand from physical stores to digital online has proved the necessity of omnichannel to brands. India’s apparel industry being the 6th largest in the world is currently, pegged at USD 59.3 billion by 2022 (McKinsey report). This pandemic has already affected the sales numbers to a large extent, however the dent is not going to be massive enough to deter the hopes of India’s Modern trade giants. One good thing which has come out of the situation is that it has forced the brands to look towards innovation and new solutions.

Reopening of the stores partially or completely is imperative, especially since the businesses have to change and adapt to the new-normal. The investments be it financial or involving human capital, are being directed at safety which has emerged as the topmost priority. The outlets are in the process of adapting to the new safety standards by taking cognizance of the customer sentiments, and following the guidelines laid down by the government.

Consider this:

Fynd is associated with 500+ brands from different domains and categories. We have had endless discussions with brand partners regarding sales and the uncertain times ahead. Everyone has readily agreed on two common issues, Walk-ins and Safety.

In our last blog, we spoke about coming up with customer-driven solutions that align with your changing business needs. Continuing on that thought, we have listed down features that will help you leverage Fynd Store to interest customers into window-shopping in your virtual store, from the safety and comfort of their home.

Sharing Cart, Sharing Collections

The new Fynd Store Admin Panel enables your brands to create exciting product collections. Stores run product collections based on seasons and looks, and the products highlighted in these collections usually sell more. With this feature, you can now replicate the same product collections in your Fynd Store app!

Go ahead, and launch a New Linen Festival Collection or the new Boho Chic Spring Summer’20 Collection and let us know how it goes.

Product Collections

Another useful feature in your Fynd Store app is the ability to create domain-level customizations. Using this feature, you can now separate apps for a franchisee, or expose the entire brand inventory depending on your needs. Not only this, you can now create store domains as well.

Imagine a website customized for a single store!

With this feature, you now have the freedom to create your product collections anyway you want, based on:

Product Collections that cover all possibilities

Rope in your marketing team and craft a new marketing campaign around these collections. Those new banners and colourful hamlets in the stores can be replicated in the app as well. Share the unique collection link across social media, messengers, newsletters, and allow your customers to dive into the pool of your latest products & styles from the convenience of their home.

Self Checkout

So once you have picked out your product collections, take them ahead by sharing it with your customers over Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp or through the SMS and Email options in your Admin Panel.
Not only can a customer discover and browse the product, but they can go ahead and book their own order as well. All the customer has to do is click on the link shared by the store, select the products from the catalog, and checkout using the payment modes.

The Hyperlocal way

The Fynd Store orders are fulfilled by the nearest store and delivered by us.

Hyperlocal delivery

If the customer needs something urgently? Or can’t wait to see how the latest collection will look on them? No worries! Fynd will deliver the product at the drop of the hat. Or, let’s just say within 3–4 Hours at max, thanks to the hyperlocal deliveries and our store pick-up model.

Personalised Cart Sharing

Just like collections, a store manager/fashion consultant can recommend a personalized cart for the customer by selecting similar products or by selecting products based on the purchase history, then share it via a link or a QR code. Not only does it give your customers the power to purchase at their own will, but an opportunity for the brand to position itself as an entity that is committed to customer safety and satisfaction.

Facebook and Instagram Marketing

Omnichannel as a content strategy is being used by retail brands to give the customers a superior user experience, grow strong relationships across all points of contact, and to engage and be present at every digital touchpoint the customer frequents.

Instagram and Facebook are the hottest platform to be alive on just because of the huge amount of traffic these social networking giants generate, especially for the lifestyle category.

With these new updates, you can not only craft marketing campaigns, and share unique collections and customised carts, but you can also link your Fynd Store inventory to your social media page. The customers browsing on Instagram/Facebook can click the link on your social media page to directly access your products. If they are still unsure about the product and want to see it in person, they can immediately schedule an appointment with the nearest store. At the time of the visit, the store can take proper safety precautions and be ready with the chosen products.

Contactless Browsing with QR Code

If your customers are reluctant about browsing products on the public tablet, the store manager can leverage the QR code feature in the Fynd Store app to allow the customer to browse the product right from his/her mobile. The store can take a print of the QR code and also fix it conveniently in and around the store or each category wall.

This simple feature virtually increases your store size, as customers can view the products not just within that one store, but in any of the brand’s stores across the country.

The contactless journey does not end with the customer browsing and adding to their wishlist, but rather it ends with the customer buying the product. The order amount is paid via the app and through various digital payment options available within the Fynd Store application. Hence, increasing the contactless portfolio from just browsing to billing as well!

App, the New Physical Store Replica

We introduced the Admin Panel to ensure that the brands can translate the customers exact in-store experience to online using the Fynd Store app. The Admin Panel allows your visual merchandising team to customise the Fynd Store app according to your standards. Use the arrangement of filters, themes, sorting options, discounting and much more to give it the look and feel of your brand. The stores can add relevant logos, banners, pictures in the app replicating the physical store environment.

Let your customers browse, scan, discover, compare, share, purchase and do much more using Fynd Store, a platform that combines your pan-India inventory at one place. With our new updates, Fynd Store has become even more relevant for retail businesses that are looking to provide a safe and connected shopping experience for their customers.

The customers who love your brand and miss walking into their favourite store, can now experience the same in-store feeling of leisurely looking through your products on your digital Fynd Store app.

And, who wouldn’t want to peep into all the merchandise available in all of your stores combined, at one go?

Well, our platform makes it virtually possible at-least !!

If you are a business owner interested in learning more about Fynd Store, write to us at brands@gofynd.com. We have you covered!

This article was previously published on our Building Fynd blog.

Fynd Store-More than an Endless Aisle Solution
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