
Clicks to Bricks II: Pioneering Strategies for Offline Expansion of D2C Brands - Part 2

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Neelakshi Chandra

Direct-to-consumer (D2C) brands have experienced tremendous growth in the digital era, leveraging online platforms to reach consumers directly and disrupt traditional retail models. However, many D2C brands are now expanding offline to tap into new opportunities and connect with customers in a more tangible way.

In our previous blog, "Click to Bricks: D2C Brands Embracing Offline Expansion”, we talked about the online-to-offline shift for D2C brands, explored the reasons and benefits of this offline expansion, and discussed successful case studies for brands like The Souled Store, Sugar Cosmetics, and Noise.

Having established the need and benefits, let's delve deep into effective strategies D2C brands must consider to successfully expand offline through physical stores.

Key Considerations When Expanding into Offline Retail

Expanding from an online-only model into brick-and-mortar is a big step, but for digitally-native brands, it may be necessary to gain new customers and stay competitive. With careful planning and by following the key considerations outlined here, you can make your offline retail debut a success.

Choosing the Right Format

Choosing the Right Format

To establish a physical retail presence, you have several options to consider. Each one offers unique benefits and drawbacks to evaluate based on your brand’s priorities and resources.

Pop-Up Shops

Pop-up shops are temporary retail spaces or experience centers, typically lasting a few days to a few months. They allow D2C brands to test physical retail with a low commitment. Pop-ups build buzz and brand awareness, especially on social media.

These limited-time stores offer unique experiences and serve as a platform for brand storytelling. However, their temporary nature means you may miss out on repeat customers and have limited time to learn from the experience.

Pop-ups also require significant resources to plan and execute, even for a short time. To make the most of this time, integrate your pop-up stores with endless aisle solutions for elevated shopping experiences for your customers and expose them to your global inventory.


Like pop-ups, showrooms are temporary spaces, but they are designed primarily for customers to view and experience products rather than make purchases. Showrooms require a smaller space and less inventory. However, using retail-tech solutions like Fynd Store OS, it is convenient to virtually expand the inventory.

Showrooms can be an easy way to introduce your brand to new markets and gain valuable customer feedback. However, without the ability for customers to buy on-site, you risk losing sales and momentum. Showrooms may be better suited as a supplement to e-commerce or other retail channels.

Traditional Brick-and-Mortar Stores

Permanent stores provide the most stability but also the biggest investment. They serve as flagship outlets and allow you to build long-term relationships with customers, optimize the retail experience over time, and gain important insights from in-person interactions.

However, traditional stores come with significant overhead costs like rent, payroll, and inventory that can be risky, especially when first launching offline. Don't miss checking out how you can transform your traditional offline stores into new-age digital stores.

Collaborating with Established Retailers

Some D2C brands are partnering with established retailers to expand their offline presence. Through collaborations, these brands gain access to an existing customer base and benefit from the retailer's supply chain and distribution network. 

Leveraging Franchise Models

D2C brands are exploring franchise models to scale their offline presence rapidly. By partnering with franchisees, they can establish a network of stores across different cities, leveraging local expertise and market knowledge.

For direct-to-consumer brands expanding into physical retail, the ideal strategy depends on your priorities, risk tolerance, and available resources. A thoughtful combination of multiple options may provide the benefits of each while mitigating the challenges.

With any approach, be sure to thoroughly test and optimize to achieve the best results from your offline retail endeavors. Once you have identified the right format, other considerations like location selection, product assortment, cost & profitability, staff training, etc., come into play.

According to the India Phygital Index 2023, going offline requires the development of a completely new mindset and capabilities for D2C brands. Based on the insights shared in the report, here is a 4-step approach for offline expansion for D2C brands.

Laying the Groundwork for Offline Expansion Success

Strategy: Building a Strong Foundation

Strategy: Building a Strong Foundation

Identifying Area Clusters: Unleashing the Potential of Target Segments

As an online-first brand, you have already assessed your regional demands. Before expanding offline, it is crucial for D2C brands to leverage the identified clusters where their target segments are concentrated.

Since your online business has already helped you understand the demographics, psychographics, and preferences of your target audience in different locations, capitalize on the most suitable regions or cities for your offline expansion.

Location Selection: Where Footfall Meets Opportunity

Once you have identified the area clusters, carefully select the specific locations for your offline stores. Consider factors such as footfall, proximity to your target audience, accessibility, and the presence of complementary businesses.

High-traffic areas, shopping malls, and popular neighborhoods are usually good choices to maximize visibility and attract potential customers. Scout locations in person to evaluate visibility, parking, and competition. 

Outshining the Competition: Crafting an Effective Marketing Plan

Understanding the competitive landscape is crucial for any offline expansion. Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the existing brick-and-mortar stores in your chosen locations.

Identify their strengths, weaknesses, and unique selling propositions. Use this information to develop a marketing plan that highlights your brand's differentiators and communicates your value proposition effectively to customers.

Sealing the Deal: Mastering Rental Agreement Negotiations

Offline retail space is a major investment; hence, securing favorable rental agreements is a critical aspect of offline expansion. Engage in negotiations with landlords to ensure that you get the best possible terms and conditions for your stores.

Consider factors such as rental costs, lease duration, flexibility for future expansion, and any additional services provided by the landlord. Negotiating a win-win agreement will lay a solid foundation for your offline venture.

Site to Store: Transforming Spaces into Captivating Stores

Site to Store: Transforming Spaces into Captivating Stores

Visual Delights: Hiring an Interior Design Agency for Store Design

Creating a visually appealing and immersive in-store experience is essential for D2C brands. Collaborate with an interior design agency that understands your brand's identity and values. Work together to develop a store design that aligns with your brand aesthetics and creates a unique atmosphere that resonates with your target audience.

The Art of Layout: Designing for Target Audience and Product Appeal

The layout of your store plays a crucial role in influencing customer behavior and facilitating smooth shopping experiences. Consider the preferences and behavior patterns of your target audience when designing the layout.

Organize products in a logical and intuitive manner, making it easy for customers to navigate and find what they are looking for. Create dedicated spaces for showcasing new arrivals, bestsellers, and promotional items.

Memorable Impressions: Fixtures that Embrace Brand Aesthetics

Fixtures and displays are essential elements in creating a cohesive and visually appealing store environment. Choose fixtures that reflect your brand's aesthetic and enhance the presentation of your products. From shelving units to lighting fixtures, ensure that each element aligns with your brand identity and creates a memorable shopping experience for customers.

Investing in Excellence: Capex Allocation for POS Systems and Security

Investing in robust point-of-sale (POS) systems and security measures is vital for smooth store operations and customer trust. Allocate capital expenditure (capex) to implement state-of-the-art POS systems that can handle transactions efficiently and integrate with your online inventory management.

Such integrations come in handy while implementing modern retail-tech solutions. Check out how this helps grow your brand. Additionally, prioritize security measures such as surveillance cameras, alarms, and anti-theft devices to safeguard your store and merchandise.

Operational and Marketing Strategies

Operational and Marketing Strategies

Product Selection: Managing SKU Width and Depth 

Offline stores often have limited shelf space compared to their online counterparts. Therefore, it is essential to provide a thoughtful curation of your collection to give the best brand experience in a physical space by managing stock-keeping units (SKUs) strategically. Analyze sales data, customer preferences, and market trends to determine the optimal width and depth of your product selection.

Focus on offering a curated range that showcases your brand's strengths while catering to the needs and desires of your target audience. Have enough product on hand to frequently refresh displays and replenish stock. And even if you run out of stock, bank on store solutions like this.

Elevating Interactions: Staff Training for Customer Engagement 

Invest in knowledgeable staff who can give customers a great in-store experience. Conduct comprehensive training programs on customer service best practices, brand values, product knowledge, and sales techniques such as cross-selling and upselling. Educate them on how to assist online and offline customers alike. Staffing and training costs will significantly impact your budget, so plan accordingly.

Omnichannel Experience: Integrated Marketing and Loyalty Programs

To promote footfall and build customer loyalty, develop integrated marketing and loyalty programs that seamlessly connect your online and offline channels. Use various marketing channels such as email, social media, and in-store promotions to communicate exclusive offers, rewards, and events.

Use the same loyalty programs and promotions across channels. Encourage customers to visit your offline stores through online campaigns, and vice versa. Share customer data and insights between your ecommerce and retail teams to better personalize experiences. By integrating your marketing efforts, you can create a cohesive brand experience for your customers.

Mesmerizing Displays: Maximizing Visibility and Rotation

Effective shelf display management can significantly impact sales and customer engagement. Analyze sales data and customer behavior to determine which products should be given priority placement on shelves.

Regularly update and rotate products to create a sense of novelty and excitement. Experiment with visual merchandising techniques to draw customers' attention to specific products or collections. A well-curated and visually appealing shelf display can entice customers to explore and make purchases.

Service Excellence: Establish Customer Service Protocols

Establishing clear customer service protocols is crucial for providing excellent post-purchase experiences. Develop protocols for returns and exchanges, ensuring they align with your brand's policies and local regulations.

Train your staff to handle customer queries and complaints professionally and empathetically. Implement a feedback management system to gather customer insights and continuously improve your offline operations.

Online-Offline Synergy: Fulfilling E-commerce Orders through Offline Stores

Utilize your offline stores as fulfillment centers to offer convenient services such as click-and-collect and ship-from-store options. This integration of online and offline channels enhances customer convenience and provides flexibility in how they access your products.

Explore the benefits of omnichannel order fulfillment. Implement efficient inventory management systems to ensure accurate stock availability and seamless order fulfillment processes. To unify your offline and online businesses profitably, speak to the experts for a curated strategy.

Building a Strong Infrastructure: Logistics and Tech

Building a Strong Infrastructure: Logistics and Tech

Technological Marvels: Investing in Omnichannel Support

To enable a seamless omnichannel experience, invest in technological solutions that integrate your online and offline operations. Implement an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that consolidates inventory, sales, and customer data across channels. This integration enables real-time visibility, efficient order management, and personalized customer experiences.

Efficient Supply Network: The Backbone of Offline Operations

Expanding offline requires a robust supply network that supports your offline operations. Establish partnerships with distributors and logistics partners who can efficiently manage storage and transportation logistics. Ensure that your supply network is capable of handling the volume and frequency of inventory replenishment required for your offline stores.

Seamless Returns: Online Purchases Returned In-store

As customers increasingly choose to return online purchases in-store, establish a streamlined returns process to facilitate these transactions. Train your staff to handle returns efficiently and ensure that returned items are processed promptly. Implement inventory management systems that can accurately track returned items and update stock availability in real time.

Partnerships for Success: Onboarding Distributors and Logistics Allies

Collaborate with distributors and logistics partners who can support your offline expansion. Identify partners with extensive experience in the retail industry and a strong distribution network.

Work closely with them to ensure efficient and timely delivery of products to your offline stores. Regularly evaluate their performance and address any issues that may arise to maintain a smooth supply chain.


Offline expansion presents D2C brands with new opportunities to connect with customers, enhance brand experiences, and drive growth. By strategically identifying area clusters, developing compelling store designs, optimizing operations and marketing efforts, and investing in infrastructure, logistics. For more insights & trends, read India Phygital Index 2023: A Blueprint for Successful Omnichannel Retailing in India.

Clicks to Bricks II: Pioneering Strategies for Offline Expansion of D2C Brands - Part 2
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